Crohn’s diet: Update 1

So I’ll remind you that 5 days ago, I saw my new dietitian. Marc. And he’s amazing. He said because I’m ‘A tough cookie’ and I have dietary restrictions (Crohn’s, distaste and weird phobias) that I should work on reducing my portion sizes and for the foreseeable I should eat off a saucer. I have successfully been doing this. I’ve also been keeping a food log. So far, my days have been one good, one bad, one good, one bad. I’m also allowed cheese on alternate days. (Apparently I eat masses of cheese without knowing I’m doing it, but actually when I think about it, we use over half a kilo per fortnight. That’s normal, right?) 

Well, I’ll have you know, in 4 days I’ve lost…. almost a stone and a half. For my Metric friends else where, that’s 9.5kg! Can I get a ‘Hell YEAH’? But can I see where it’s gone? Of course not. I don’t look or feel any different. Well, not in my eyes anyway. And my clothes aren’t any looser. 

So as difficult as it is to look at a saucer/side plate and know that’s all I’m allowed to eat, it’s getting easier. I’m trying to slow down when I eat, so my body registers it’s full while I’m eating. (I don’t chew food very much. Rice and mash, not at all. Meat maybe 5 times…. phobic of the feel of mushy food in my mouth.) 

I’ve got to keep going because I don’t want my body to hurt anymore than it already does. Maybe it’ll relieve some of the aching of my joints, maybe not, but either way, I won’t hate looking in  the mirror so much. 





I do not own the above picture. Over and out ❤


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